May 19, 2009

Excel Shortcut Key

Task Pane
F1- display the Help task pane
CTRL + F1- open or close the current task pane
Workbook Window
CTRL + F4- close the selected workbook window
CTRL + F5- restore the window size of the selected workbook window
CTRL + F6- switch to next workbook window when more than one workbook window is open
- When the task pane is visible, the next workbook will include that pane when switching between panes
CTRL + F7- move the workbook window when it is not maximized
- use ARROW keys to move the window
- press ESC key when finished
CTRL + F8- resize the workbook window by ARROW keys when it is not maximized
CTRL + F9- minimize a workbook window to an icon
CTRL + F10- maximize or restore the selected workbook window
- insert a new worksheet
F2- edit the active cell
- point the cursor at the end of the cell contents
SHIFT + F2- create or edit a cell comment
F8- select multiple cells by ARROW keys
Dialog Box
SHIFT + F3- display the Insert Function dialog box
F5- display the Go To dialog box
F7- display the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected cells
ALT + F8- display the Macro dialog box to run, edit, or delete a macro
ALT + F11- open the Visual Basic Editor which you can create a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
ALT + SHIFT + F11- open the Microsoft Script Editor, where you can add text, edit HTML tags, and modify any script code
F12- display the Save As dialog box
F10- select the toolbar
- close an open menu and submenu at the same time
SHIFT + F10- display the shortcut menu for a selected cell
ALT + F1
- create a chart for the selected cells
Split Window
F6- switch to next pane in a worksheet that has been split (Window > Split command)
SHIFT + F6- switch to previous pane in a worksheet that has been split


Unknown said at June 4, 2009 at 6:28 PM

i want vs thank.. especially tat day i ask u d.. how to get preloaded

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